Dr. Xia “Ben” Hu is an Associate Professor at Rice University in the Department of Computer Science. Dr. Hu has published over 200 articles/reports at high impact proceedings, including NeurIPS, ICLR, KDD, WWW, IJCAI, and AAAI. His team developed an open-source package “AutoKeras”, which has become a highly popular automated deep learning system on Github (with over 8,000 stars and 1,000 forks). Also, his work on deep collaborative filtering, anomaly detection, and knowledge graphs have been included in the TensorFlow package, Apple production system and Bing production system, respectively. His publications have received several Best Paper Awards (e.g., ICML, WWW, WSDM, ICDM, AMIA and INFORMS). Dr. Hu is the recipient of NSF CAREER Award and ACM SIGKDD Rising Star Award. His work is highly regarded (with 20,000+ citations, an h-index of 58).