Bridge Center_

Integrating people, teams, programs, approaches, and outputs across the Bridge2AI Consortium.

Programmatic integration requires the intentional development and nurturing of a strong Bridge to Artificial Intelligence (Bridge2AI) community. While individual Grand Challenges (GCs) can operate independently to generate AI-ready datasets, they must work together to realize the Bridge2AI goals of establishing rules of practice to guide inclusive, trustworthy, and successful use of AI across biomedicine and behavioral research. 

Bridge2AI ensures that the four GCs can participate in the broader community of practice. This is accomplished through effective governance, setting clear expectations and prioritizing inclusivity, transparency and accountability. The Bridge Center supports the GCs to coalesce around standards and guidelines with the ultimate goal to iteratively develop, implement, assess, and disseminate them. Bridge2AI aims to create an evidence-based suite of standards, practices, and training to realize trustworthy biomedical AI together.

The Bridge Center leads and participates in the following working groups:

Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI)

Data Sharing & Dissemination

Training, Recruitment, and Mentoring

Standards, Practices, and Quality Assessment

Dissemination & Open House

Teaming and Collaboration

Communications, Meetings, and Portal

Monica Munoz-Torres
Contact Principal Investigator
University of Colorado
Anschutz Medical Campus
Headshot for Lucila Ohno-Machado, MD, PhD.
Lucila Ohno-Machado, MD, PhD
Contact Principal Investigator
Yale University
Alex Bui, PhD
Contact Principal Investigator
University of California Los Angeles